Non Intrusive Flight Test Instrument
What We Do
We're focused on developing easy to use, reliable sensor technology for challenging applications.
Wireless Data Acquisition
real-time + wireless + sensors for flight test
We're currently focused on the application and evolution of the Non-Intrusive-Flight-Trial-Instrumentation System or NIFTI for short.
This technology is being developed in collaboration with the Aerospace Operational Support Group of the RAAF and the Defence Science and Technology Group of the Australian Defence Force.
Technical Solutions
unique customised technical solutions
We work with customers to provide unique customised solutions requiring the development of new technology for aerospace and defence applications.
Who We Are
Defence Innovations is a collaboration between two innovative Australian companies.
we build hardware that helps businesses grow
We've been involved in over 100 successful projects and developed products for some of the worlds most challenging conditions.
Our Partners
We've got a top notch team!
Who's Talking About Us
The first NIFTI System was handed over to Defence Minister Pyne and GPCAPT Steve Young from the RAAF at DST's Scindicate 2018
NIFTI team
Great work everyone! Successful completion of the NIFTI flight trials on a F/A-18
NIFTI no wires
Nigel Pittaway article for Aerospace Testing International, 2016
"The Non-Intrusive Flight Test Instrumentation system has been developed as a means of instrumenting an airframe for flight testing without altering its original configuration or removing it from the line for an extended period while intrusive and sometimes very complex flight test instrumentation is installed and removed."
Engineering top services
NIFTI Gateway + Sensors
Picture of the Proof of Concept NIFTI System developed in collaboration with the Aerospace Operational Support Group and the Defence Science and Technology Group of the Australian Defence Force in 2015.
"A NIFTY piece of kit"
In an article published in the November 2015 edition of the Australian Defence Magazine, Commander James Blagg of the Development and Test Wing Aerospace Operation Support Group discusses the benefits of the NIFTI system.
NIFTI flight trial
NIFTI was installed on a YAK-52, see the video of a snap roll from the cockpit during the 2nd NIFTY Flight Trial.
NIFTI team
Great work everyone! Successful completion of the NIFTI flight trials on a PC-9/A.
Connect With Us
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defenceinnovations.com.au +61 403 891 198
© 2016